Meet Adaptive Athlete: Elizabeth Jarvis


Elizabeth Jarvis

DOB: 1968

DOI: August 5th, 2021

PATHOLOGY: Cervical Spinal Cord Injury

Elizabeth Jarvis

Elizabeth grew up in Kansas City, Missouri. She grew up competing in team sports such as softball and basketball as well as tennis and swimming. After high school, Elizabeth earned a Bachelor’s degree in Psychology and a Master’s in Counseling Psychology.


In August 2021, Elizabeth was riding in a golf cart that tipped over during a turn. Her neck was the first thing to hit the pavement. She was rushed to the hospital for an emergency surgery to fuse her C4 and C5 vertebrae, after which she spent three days in the ICU. The injury had significant impacts on Elizabeth’s physical, mental, and social wellbeing.


Elizabeth wants to build her physical strength back up and become involved in adaptive sports, as well as increase her mindfulness practice. She plans to launch her Rise Up business in 2025 to help others going through similar experiences adjust and thrive in their communities.


