DOB: April 27th, 1984
DOI: July 2017 & July 2020
Injury: Bilateral Below Knee Amputee
Throughout childhood, Ryan’s family moved around a lot, but they settled down in the Bay area when he was in high school. Ryan worked in IT while he was still in school and was big into open source software. After getting his undergrad in Chemical Engineering and Masters in Business Economics, Ryan landed back in the Bay area for work.
As a young adult, he started partying and getting into drugs. This let him down a hard path, trying to maintain addiction while balancing a job and personal life. His struggle with addiction ultimately caused him to lose both his legs below the knees.
Since losing his legs, Ryan is clean and is ready to live his best life moving forward. He’s new into the fitness world and is excited about the opportunity to learn and grow in mind, body, and spirit. After the ReDefine program, Ryan is hoping to land an awesome job and find ways to use his story to impact the lives of others who need to hear it.
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Carrollton, TX 75010
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